Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mechanised Computational Devices

Computers will never be totally secure or intelligent until they learn not to base all their decisions on their own programming and memory.

This is where Humans have the advantage, for example, you meet the gilr/boy of your dreams or so you feel, everything fits, right height, hair colour, interests, star sign and so on

Only your friend tells you something different, they say be careful, he/she is not for you, a month or two later or an hour into the first date you realise your friend was right, a computer however would persist confident in its knowledge that it is perfectly matched.

A computer can be made to recognise yellow as a shade of blue, as 1+1 equalling any designated number of its programmers choice. They can even redefine "1" so that the symbol represents "3005"

The networked computer however has an ideal opportunity to overrule its programmers views on the English Civil War, by use of co-relational memory facility.

This enables it to compare its programmed memory with another computers memory and vice-versa, and so correct or at least present all sides of an argument to an audience.

Website to website. Searches will yield not websites but information within websites, combined data sets from 122 websites.

It will be able to ask other opinions and compare methods of storage, calculation for a more efficient, effective and comparably compatible methodology.

Eventually ultimate "truths" will rise to the surface, and myths and old wives tales re evaluated.

It will be able to realise yellow is not a shade of blue itself

Although it was "brought up" to believe and prove 1+1 equals 6010 it is able to see that it has been duped and the answer most commonly agreed is 2.

The process will be ongoing and truth will be fluid but present.

7th August 1997

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